
October 2018

Title: Participation of Cyprus Library at the “Transcribathon Europeana 1914-1918”

Cyprus Library participated at the “Transcribathon Europeana 1914-1918”, which took place during the EUROMED 2018 Conference in Nicosia, Cyprus. The team of Cyprus Library was the one of the winning teams and one person of the team represented Cyprus at the final European Transcribathon in Brussels.

At the Transcribathon Cyprus, participants from various Institutions competed in teams of three to transcribe and annotate specially-assigned documents from the First World War. The Cyprus Library team and the other teams had two days' time to complete as much work on their documents as they could. On the last day, Friday 2nd November, a jury awarded the winners in the categories transcription, annotation and presentation.

As result of this great event, more than 1 million characters have been transcribed shedding light to a variety of very important stories and facts from the WW1 period and the life experiences of Cypriots during that time.

One member of each winning teams won a trip to attend the European Transcribathon in Brussels on 26th -27th November 2018, where they had the chance to represent Cyprus among other participant countries!