The ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a 13-digit number that uniquely identifies books and book-like products published internationally. The ISBN numbers are given by the International ISBN Agency in Berlin. The Cyprus Library is responsible for operating the Cyprus ISBN Centre.
Function of the ISBN
The ISBN serves: Publishers and booksellers for:
Bibliographic searches
Stock control
Sales data monitoring
Libraries for:
Information retrieval
Copy cataloguing
Circulation and interlending
The national bibliography
Publications to which an ISBN shall be assigned to:
Printed books and pamphlets
Braille publications
Individual articles or issues of particular continuing resource, which articles or issues are made available separately by the publisher
Educational films and transparencies
Audiovisual material (cassettes, CDs, DVDs)
Electronic publication either on physical carriers or on the internet
Digitized copies of print monographic publications
ISBN shall not be assigned to ephemeral printed material such as advertising matter, printed music, music sound recordings, serials.
Structure of ISBN
The ISBN number consist of 13 digits and is divided into five elements: e.g. 978-9963-38-708-3 For more information, see the home page of the International ISBN Centre:
Application of ISBN
The ISBN is assigned free of charge. After the publication of the material, the publishers have to deposit one copy to the Cyprus ISBN Centre. For applying an ISBN you can contact in person at the Cyprus ISBN Agency of complete the electronic application form.
Provision of CIP data (Cataloguing in Publication data)
This service is for Cypriot publishers and self-publishing authors who want the details of their upcoming publications. This information is made available to Cypriot libraries, library suppliers and members of the book industry for cataloguing and acquisition purposes.